cash4gold is the most
ghetto shit i have ever seen.
anyone see the superbowl commercial with
ed mcmahon and the hammer man?

let's hire cheap, russian broad
to flash benjamins in face.
superbowl ad or hotter model?
i would have spent it on neither.
for those thinking about stealing
your grandma's bling,
don't send it to these bustas.
steal, then pawn.
gold was cool,
like ten years ago.
but there are some,
who are all about the yellow.
like meestah tee.
he actually begs for change,
with that flava flav sized pan.
this would be hotter,
if the shoes were black.
or chrome.
the jade is a nice touch.
but it's the border of this image,
that attracts me to this gawdy contraption.
moshi fuckin moshi.
have fun carrying a
22 lbs laptop, sucka.
have fun carrying a
22 lbs shuffle,
while you jog in your gucci shoes.
interesting fact.
gold schlagger + peppermint schnapps
liquid cocaine.
make me a kobe beef steak burger,
with fries.
"i want da gold. gimme da gold. i wanna know where da gold at."